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Russian spies release tape of secret German meeting held on WebEx



Russian spies release tape of secret German meeting held on WebEx

A clandestine meeting among top German military officials has been thrust into the spotlight following the leak of a 38-minute audio tape, revealing discussions about potentially supplying Ukraine with Germany’s formidable Taurus missiles.

The tape, posted online by the head of Russian state-run broadcaster RT, has ignited controversy, unveiled sensitive Western strategies, and heightened tensions between Germany and its NATO allies.

Senior German officials have acknowledged the authenticity of the recording, which captures Air Force Commander Gen. Ingo Gerhartz and his aides deliberating over the logistics of supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

The meeting, held on the WebEx platform, reportedly touched upon the possibility of Ukraine utilizing these missiles to target Russian assets, including the strategically vital Kerch Bridge connecting Russia to Crimea.

Russian espionage

The leak has not only sparked outrage in Germany but also raised concerns over the country’s susceptibility to Russian espionage.

This incident comes on the heels of the arrest of a senior officer in Germany’s BND foreign intelligence service on charges of spying for Moscow.

Despite Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s reluctance to provide Taurus missiles to Ukraine, discussions within the leaked recording revealed considerations on training Ukrainian personnel to operate the sophisticated weapon system independently. However, with the leak now public, analysts speculate that the likelihood of Germany delivering the missiles has diminished.

Russian officials swiftly condemned Germany for discussing potential attacks on Russian targets, issuing veiled threats of retaliation should Berlin escalate its involvement in the conflict.

Chancellor Scholz vowed a thorough investigation into the leak, acknowledging its seriousness and the imperative of swift action.

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